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Bioveta in Seminars on Cow Reproduction in the Russian Federation

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Bioveta in Seminars on Cow Reproduction in the Russian Federation Bioveta participated in veterinary seminars focused on cow reproduction in the Russian Federation.

Regional Manager for Bulgaria and Macedonia and Product Manager for Hormonal Preparations MVDr. Josef Zajíc, Ph.D. revisited the Russian Federation to take part in seminars organized for veterinary surgeons and artificial insemination technicians. The seminars were held at local farms and the farm owners were particularly interested in improving cow reproduction indicators and therefore also economic indicators. The seminars started with a theoretical part consisting in the explanation of neurohumoral principles of controlling reproductive functions and the use of hormonal preparations (Bioveta products) to influence them. After the theoretical part, the participants had an opportunity to check their knowledge in practice at the farm and also enhance their skills when performing ultrasonography (USG) of reproductive organs in healthy cows and cows having problems with reproduction. Specific therapy was suggested on the spot following the examination. After the practical part the results and reproduction indicators of the herd were evaluated including suggested measures to improve these reproduction indicators.  

Both seminars were organized at farms in the Belgorod Region; the first five-day seminar was held at Jarskoe and Borodskoe farms; and the second four-day seminar at Butovo and Dragunskoe farms. At the last farm left displaced abomasum was diagnosed in two cows. This disease often develops in connection with postpartum complications and uterus problems in cows. And as doctor Zajíc had the necessary diagnostic and surgical instruments, the participants had an opportunity to see and perform the procedure of diagnosing and surgical treatment of left displaced abomasum.  

According to the opinions of the participating veterinary surgeons and artificial insemination technicians the seminars were useful and they expressed a wish that similar seminars should be repeated after some time to evaluate possible improvement in indicators of reproduction at individual farms.

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