EN - Anglická CZ - Česká SK - Slovenská PL - Polská RO - Rumunská RU - Ruská TR - Turecká UA - Ukrajinská
EN - Anglická
  • CZ - Česká
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  • PL - Polská
  • RO - Rumunská
  • RU - Ruská
  • TR - Turecká
  • UA - Ukrajinská

VIV MEA 2020

Homepage News Event and Exhibitions VIV MEA 2020


VIV MEA 2020 From August 31st till September 2nd Bioveta will set out for the VIV MEA 2020 international trade fair in Abu Dhabi.

VIV MEA 2020 is an international trade fair for the Middle East and Africa located in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates. The trade fair will be held in the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Center, which will host over 430 exhibitors from more than 40 countries. This year’s attendance is expected to reach 8 thousand visitors, for whom a rich programme of conferences will be prepared on the topics such as fish, poultry and eggs, cattle, calves, goats and camels. The Bioveta’s stand will be located at position 10.V026.

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