COTRIMAZIN Bioveta 288.2/58.0 mg/g oral paste Trimethoprimum, sulfadiazinum
Homepage News News in assortment COTRIMAZIN Bioveta 288.2/58.0 mg/g oral paste Trimethoprimum, sulfadiazinum

A combination of trimethoprim - sulfadiazine provides effective and convenient oral treatment for a variety of infections in horses.
A broad-spectrum product with excellent bactericidal activity effective against the most common causes of infections in horses, including streptococci.
The contents of 1 applicator is sufficient for 1 daily dose for a horse weighing up to 600 kg.
Active substances have minimal negative effect on intestinal microflora!
After oral administration, the paste is rapidly absorbed!
Solubility of the product in fats enables effective treatment of infections of the lower respiratory tract.
Well-tolerated by foals!
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