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Training on Cow Breeding in the Russian Federation

Homepage News What´s new? Training on Cow Breeding in the Russian Federation


Training on Cow Breeding in the Russian Federation Bioveta has set out for the Russian Federation again to give lectures on artificial breeding of cows to veterinary surgeons.

MVDr. Josef Zajíc, Ph.D., Product Manager for Hormonal Preparations of Bioveta, has set out for the Russian Federation again to visit a dairy farm in the village of Bogdanovka, the Samara region. It is one of the best farms in the Russian Federation producing very high yields. Currently the basic herd consists of a thousand Holstein cows. A controlled reproduction method (OVSYNCH) is implemented at the farm where veterinary surgeons use a hormonal preparation produced by Bioveta. Controlled reproduction is the reason of the journey of doctor Zajíc to the farm. In the next days, training on reproduction will be given there for veterinary surgeons and artificial insemination technicians. The training will be theoretical and practical including early diagnostics of gravidity using USG.

Doctor Zajíc reports sunny days and pleasant high temperatures of -17 °C.

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