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EN - Anglická
  • CZ - Česká
  • SK - Slovenská
  • PL - Polská
  • RO - Rumunská
  • RU - Ruská
  • TR - Turecká
  • UA - Ukrajinská

LOTAGEN 360 mg/g concentrate for vaginal/skin solution

Homepage Products Veterinary products LOTAGEN 360 mg/g concentrate for vaginal/skin solution

Disinfectant in solution form for use in obstetrics, gynecology and surgery.

type of preparative: Antiseptics, disinfections
target species animals: Goat, Pig, Cattle, Horse, Cat, Dog, Sheep

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Pharmaceutical form

Concentrate for vaginal/skin solution.

Clear brown red liquid.


Policresulenum                                   360 mg/g



Sterility caused by sub-acute infections, cervicitis, vaginitis, vulvitis, trichomoniasis.


Damage to the vagina, postpartum vaginal bleeding, prevention MMA syndrome (mastitis-metritis-agalactia) in sows. 

Surgical procedures and wound healing

Small local haemorrhages and bleeding during surgical operations, fresh and slow-healing wounds, lupus (pastern dermatitis in horses), hoove cancer (pododermatitis chronica madidans verrucose), ulcers on the legs, rot needle and other soft tissues of the limbs, interdigital necrobacillosis, foot disease in sheep, burns, inflammation of the outer ear canal (otitis externa), furunculosis, eczema, erosion, urovagina irrigation in mare, milk pseudofistula obliteration.

Target animals

Horses, cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, dogs and cats.

Dosage and application


Cervicitis, vaginitis and vulvitis – lavage of superficial vaginal wounds with 2 % solution of the product. This procedure cannot be applied id deep and penetrating injures.

Milk “pseudofistula” (“additive mammary gland”) – to upset parenchyma is applied with milk cathener 9 % solution of the mouth of the fistula.


Vaginitis (pneumovagina, urovagina) - vaginal lavage using 1-2 % solution of the product.

Irrigation of urovagina in horses – for irrigation use 1-3 litres of 0.5 % solution of the product.

Complete lavage can be stopped when clean lavage fluid flows back.

Topical application during surgery and cleaning old wounds

Haemostasis – in minor surface bleeding a wound is covered with gauze soaked with the product.

Cleaning wounds, ulcers, abscesses, eczema and other pathological skin changes – the gauze soaked with 4-20 % solution of the product is applied to wounds or pathological tissue once a day.

Ulcers on the limb, needle rot and other soft tissue of the extremities, urovagina, interdigital necrobacillosis, foot disease in sheep, lupus-pastern dermatitis, trauma corner – in small surgical procedures the diluted product in the form of 20 % aqueous solution is applied.

Use in small animals

Eczema of the lips and skin folds – the gauze soaked with the product is applied to the affected area. Repeat if necessary.

Fistula anal glands – injected with 2 ml of 5 % aqueous solution of the product into the cavity of the anal glands. Repeat if necessary.

Inter-digital ulcer – the gauze soaked with the product is applied to the affected area between fingers.

Inflammation of the outer ear canal – canal is flushed with 5 % aqueous solution of the product once a day.

In repeated interventions carried out under the above indications, the same concentrations (%) and volume (ml) of Lotagen.


Preparation of Lotagen working solutions

Solution concentration (%)


volume in ml

Pure water

0.5 %

0.5 ml

into 100 ml

5 ml

into 1 litre

1 %

1 ml

into 100 ml

10 ml

into 1 litre

2 %

2 ml

into 100 ml

20 ml

into 1 litre

4 %

4 ml

into 100 ml

40 ml

into 1 litre

8 %

8 ml

into100 ml

20 %

20 ml

into 100 ml


Keep at a temperature below 25°C. 

Protect from cold and freeze.

Withdrawal period

No withdrawal periods.

Shelf life

Shelf life of the veterinary medicinal product as packaged for sale: 5 years.

Shelf life after first opening the immediate packaging: 21 days.


1 x 100 ml.