What´s new?

Bioveta sponsors the Poultry Congress 2024
16.10.2024On the occasion of the event, we asked for a short interview the President of the Czech Association of Aviary Medicine, DVM. Karel Kutlvašr, PhD.

Bioveta and cattle breeders meeting at BOVICOOP 2024
14.10.2024During October 4-5, 2024, we participated as a sponsor alongside our partner Bistri-Vet at the annual Symposium “BOVICOOP development and cooperation, genetics and reproduction - BVN”, as well as at the XXII edition of the Bull Parade, events that took place in the town of Sângeorgiu de Mureș, Mureș County.

7.10.2024At Bioveta, we place great emphasis on education and professional development of our employees. Monitoring the latest world trends in veterinary medicine and continuous increasing expertise of our staff is crucial for us.

Bioveta is developing its position on the Latin American markets
1.10.2024September was a very important month of the year for Bioveta and its sales agency in Latin America. The largest and most important event of its kind in this area, the "Congreso Veterinario de León", one of the largest veterinary congresses globally, took place there.

Professional congress for practice of companion animals VETclasses 2024 is over!
30.9.2024On 27 - 28 September, Hradec Králové once again became the centre of veterinary medicine in the Czech Republic, hosting the 8th Veterinary Congress VETclasses 2024 with accompanying exhibition.

Current threat, quick answer: Bioveta comes with a vaccine against BTV3
27.9.2024Following the current frequent outbreaks of bluetongue, strain 3, in the Czech Republic, Bioveta comes with a quick and effective solution in the form of the new BioBos BTV 3 vaccine.

Bluetongue is topical again
25.9.2024In connection with topicality of bluetongue (BT) in the Czech Republic, we asked Director of the State Veterinary Administration (SVS), DVM. Zbyněk Semerád, for an interview

Thirteenth edition of the National Congress of Veterinary Medicine in Romania – Timișoara 2024
10.9.2024Between September 4-7 2024, Bioveta Romania was present as a platinum sponsor at the XIII National Congress of Veterinary Medicine in Timișoara.

Biocan NOVEL canine vaccine range entering the Indian Market
5.9.2024Bioveta, a.s. is pleased to announce its partnership with a new partner in the Indian market. Together with Vetina Healthcare LLP, we are launching the one-decade-proven Biocan NOVEL vaccine range.

Ukraine: Farm Day at Krasnogirske, Cherkasy Region (Děň Fermy Krasnogirske, Cherkasy Oblast)
27.8.2024Despite the ongoing military conflict in Ukraine, the agricultural, which is becoming one of the crucial stabilization sectors in Ukraine, organizes plethora of educational events. As part of the system of expert meetings, the traditional curriculum of training and exhibitions, Farm Days (Děň Fermy) are also held. Organized always at one of the dairy farms, always in a different region of Ukraine.

16.8.2024Members of the Bioveta team visit company’s business partner in the Netherlands and Belgium.

Bioveta SK Team visiting company’s HQ in Ivanovice na Hané
15.8.2024Slovak veterinary practitioners usually take well deserved time off and things slow down a bit comes early August... However, this was not the case for Bioveta SK team. Recently joined by two new members, the team received an invite extended by the Marketing and Sales Director, Mr. Marek Vystavěl, Dipl. Ing. to visit the company’s HQ in Ivanovice na Hané, Czech Republic.