What´s new?

Cherkasy – National Farm Day
16.9.2019On 29 August 2019, another "National Farm Day" was organized in Ukraine in the premises of one of the leaders in milk production of the Cherkasy region, the company СПОП Видродження (SPOP Vidrodzhennya).

National Farm Day in Ukraine
20.8.2019On 15 August, Bioveta participated in “Национального Дня ферми” (National Farm Day), a conference with practical demonstrations at the TOB HBA Perlina Podilija farm in the Khmelnytskyi Oblast.

Bioveta Gave Lectures to Ukrainian Veterinarians
14.8.2019The Bioveta regional manager for Ukraine visited the veterinarians in Kherson where he gave lectures on immunology, vaccinology and new trends in dog and cat vaccinations.

Bioveta helps with breeding dairy cattle in Ukraine
30.7.2019Dr. Zajíc went to Ukraine again to acquaint the veterinary surgeons with the latest trends in the field of cow reproduction.

Bioveta took part in Agribusiness in Turkey meeting
12.7.2019Last month, we were happy to be part of a meeting organized by the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Ankara. The meeting put together representatives of Czech companies in Turkey with the representatives of The Cattle Breeds Association of Turkey and others.

2.7.2019On 23–26 June, the VRVC Thailand 2019 Regional Veterinary Congress was held.

Bioveta lectured at the University in Samara
27.6.2019At the request of the organizers from the Russian Samara, the company Genoservis Russia, MVDr. Josef Zajíc, Ph.D. has taken part in the seminar organized by this company as the lecturer.

Bioveta in seminars focused on cow reproduction in Bulgaria
25.6.2019Bioveta has again participated in the veterinary seminars in Bulgaria dealing with the issue of reproduction in cows.

Bioveta trains its Ukrainian distributor
19.6.2019Bioveta set out to Dnepropetrovsk to train its distributor.

VIV Russia 2019
13.6.2019Bioveta again participated in the „VIV Russia” exhibition, the very platform for meeting professionals in the field of livestock farming and food industry technologies.

Veterinary Medicine for Practice 2019 – Small Animals
11.6.2019After one year, there was again the congress “Veterinary Medicine for Practice 2019 - Small Animals” in the Rudolph's Gallery at Prague Castle, namely with the support of the Bioveta company.

Bioveta visits Azerbaijan again
30.5.2019At the beginning of May 2019, MVDr. Pavel Raška, Bioveta’s Product Manager for Cattle returned to the Transcaucasus Republic Azerbaijan for a week-long mission.